Radically Being YOU
Discover the 4 Key Fundamental Pillars to gain mastery in.
We will go into them further during the workshop.
YOU There’s power in knowing how things work. Do you know your vehicle well? Learn an important part of your vehicle that impacts your whole being that most people ignore. Take care of this one area and it’ll benefit your Mind, Body & Soul immensely.
YOUR SYSTEM: When’s the last time you upgraded your OS? Stop defaulting and learn to consciously upgrade your system. Discover the #1 source of why we stall, stop, or get stuck in situations. What it does and what to do about it.
YOUR ANCHOR: What is your intended outcome, your mission, and vision. You may have the best you, even know exactly how you work and operate, BUT without an anchor to why you are here, and the reason you are tuning yourself well, ultimately none of it will matter.
YOUR JOURNEY: As you go through this wonderful Life’s journey, there are 5 elements that you must always have in place or at least be very aware of. Not having them in alignment makes the ride a lot more confusing and difficult. Then learn the most important thing to gain mastery in out of the 5. It's simple yet it becomes the most challenging for most.
WHERE- Join the BIO-BlossomInsideOut Private group. HERE
Then you can join the Radically Being You Event Page HERE.
WHEN- Thursday Oct 22nd @ 3pm PST/4pm MST/6pm EST
Block out up to 60 minutes (depending on #of women & participation)
You will learn practices & exercises that you can do right away...as in immediate implementation to enhance elements of the 4 Pillars.
You will discover how you and your body operates in your life so no more guessing what’s happening or what your next move will be.
You will gain greater freedom and power once you understand these 4 Pillars that create Being YOU ongoingly.
You will be in this private FB group with other Soulful Sassy Sages doing the workshop for support.
You will find out the next step on how to deepen what you just got from these Pillars so it’s embodied within you sustainably.
So REGISTER above!
Have with you:
A journal or notepad with pen.
A glass of water or fav hydration drink
Wear comfortable clothing to move in.
A quiet or an undisturbed space.
An open mind.
An open heart.
Mobile is fine if you really need to, a desktop is preferred for better visual.