"Coaching with Joy has grounded me deeper into who I am as a woman, a coach, and leader. I am more relaxed and more present with my clients and no longer resistant to acquiring new clients.She has helped me to continually embrace my deepest gifts, by getting myself out there and showing up more in service as a contribution with ease and joy. She has what I call a ‘gentle strength’ way of coaching. She embodies softness and light and has the wisdom to cut through and interrupt when needed. I also like how she includes practical, tangible stuff along with deeper inquiries. I’m on track to completing my screenplay, I feel much more grounded in my coaching work, opening new groups and helping other coaches in my field to grow… and best of all, I’m more at ease in my journey of embracing who I am for myself and for others. Thank you Joy!"
Anna M.– Fort Collins, CO
Coach, Writer
Before working with Joy, I was in life molding myself to situations and other people’s wants and needs. Most of the time, I didn’t really think for myself. I was always guarded and afraid to open to others for fear of being judged and fear of not being liked.
Yes, my personal and family life was good and I had successes and accomplishments, but I knew and felt that I was not in my full potential and I’ve seen Joy in group meetings gently nudge other women with such grace and intention positively and made a difference that I knew I wanted to see myself in one of her events.
Working with Joy, she lovingly and skillfully opened a crack...I started being comfortable in my own skin and body without feeling the need to be liked or approved of. I experienced greater freedom in authentically being me and I didn’t have to subscribe to what others wanted me to be.
It was definitely a challenge for me but Joy’s way of guiding me through my blocks and facilitating me out of my head and into my heart & body was a huge & a beautiful breakthrough for me and my life. I see greater possibilities for myself and trust myself more… and now enjoy being in me!
I’ve put myself in front of groups, speaking at festivals and leading a team with greater ease. I’m more positive, lighter and real with people like never before. Having the courage to be who I am now was a huge transformation for me thanks to Joy and her work!
The amazing fallout of finally being in my Essence as a woman is that I definitely have more close friends here in Boise where I now live than I’ve ever have in 50 years! Huge breakthrough and it’s not about the location I was in, but about who I was being for all those years! Thank you Joy for this new reboot in my life!
Linda M. Boise, ID
Mental Health Counselor of Insight Counseling
"When I found Joy, I was looking for someone to help me get unstuck in my business. I have other coaches that coach me, but they weren’t able to give me the kind of one-on-one deep personal guidance that Joy did. Joy really helped me with great surprise, in the area of balancing my business relationship with my love relationship with my partner and how they go hand in hand. The opening in my love relationship cleared a lot of unclarity with my man, now we both know where we stand, and now our relationship has elevated into a whole new level of love and partnership. Joy guided me to learn how to transfer that energy into my business. I feel and experience greater freedom and confidence in my business which meant finally calling those prospective clients whom I’ve avoided, and also created new alliances, interviews, sponsors and partnerships with colleagues. I feel more relaxed into who I am and what I’m worth! She goes deep and at the same time deals with practical structures to be in action on. I finally feel on track! What’s ahead feels new, exciting and also grounding.I got unstuck! Joy gave practical, emotional and spiritual guidance that I wanted and needed. She has the rare ability to be with whatever I was going through. There’s no cookie cutter coaching for sure, if you want real support that speaks to your soul, she’s the one. I would absolutely recommend Joy to anyone who needs a coach that is 100% there for them and Joy’s ability to coach from the feminine standpoint is very refreshing. Thank you Joy!"
Kaveri S. - San Rafael, CA
“I felt crushed by the press of time and the long list of things that I MUST get done fast… Joy listened with her wise, open heart. Then she gave me 3 very concrete suggestions about how to shift patterns that were stressing me… and embrace the feminine art of allowing, and trust.
It was like she gently waved a magic wand and I felt better. Plus, I enrolled a new client using one of Joy’s suggestions within a week! If you want to be held in a safe space by a wise feminine guide who offers concrete solutions to relax and get more results with ease, Joy can help you!”
Kit F., JD, CHt, CEHP – Boise, Idaho
Entreprenuer, Belief Expert
“I have spent too much time running around in a daze trying to get somewhere and not enjoying where I am. I am now enjoying a more peaceful and purposeful present. Joy connects deeply and helped me to define my needs from others and is really good at guiding me to be able to see and speak it myself – I feel and see my essence more. She is great at allowing me to be with myself with soft guidance which is so much more clarifying. One session, she ‘loved’ me up for the day and really made me think about my actions – that truly helped me manage my energy later in the day when I began to have a meltdown. She’s great at speaking into my great self and the creator that I am, and I have a much better handle with my emotions, sense more courage and ease relating to others, I feel my Vision even stronger, and I also learned to be gentle with myself. She took me to my core where I felt safe and open to explore. I am excited to go forward with my new energy and to experience this newness!
”Debbi C.– Marysville, WA
Healthy Hormone Mentor
“She embodies the ultimate feminine principle! Joy Perreras holds you in that most fertile place of your own work, she hears what you are saying and reflects it back to you in the most magnificent way! For the first time since last year, the undesirable wormhole is losing its grip on me thanks to Joy!"
Susan H. – Colorado
Energy Healer