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Get radically clear on where you're at, where you're starting from, and get out of any illusion that may be in the way of your highest you can move forward with ease to whatever it is you truly desire.
Let's unravel the knots and look at how to weave and reClaim a whole new fabric of you to a Hell YES life!
Come away with actions, deep inquiries, and practices to get you started on your journey to become the best version of you, yet.
Discover and see what is possible for you and your life... and start to make choices from a place of clarity & new understanding.
Begin to restore your peace, freedom, power, and joy within...and create the life and legacy you want.
Valued at $450.00
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Current 50% off Special - $225.00
Hi! I'm Joy Perreras. I guide soulful 'seasoned' women like you from life dissatisfaction to true freedom & joy.
You get to be in your divine full potential, living a purposeful easeful Hell YES life.
Personal Freedom Guide
I have a vision of freedom seeking 'seasoned' women to reclaim the true nature of their divine power... so they embody deep liberation, and become the medicine of love and truth for humanity.
Living a HellYES way of life!
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